Saturday twenty-six of us from
Western Reserve Sampler Guild took a class with Eileen Bennett, The Sampler House, from Michigan. Her sampler this time was Little Green Acorns Band Sampler. Perfect timing for getting in an acorn mood. We had a delightful day with the class, a wonderful pot luck lunch, and dinner after at Macaroni Grille for those interested. A perfect way to spend yet another 95 degree day!
A photo of the cover sheet for the design pack.
I really should have taken a photo of the actual sampler! |
Ms. Bennett getting us started on the project. |
Counting and proper placement is serious stuff! |
I told you counting was serious stuff! |
We had so much fun with Kim and Karlyn at our table.
Lots of laughs and fun conversation.
So glad they trekked in for the class. |
I had a couple other photos from the restaurant, but a couple were too close for comfort, and blogger won't let me put the other where I want it.
Super fun day. Thanks to the Program Committee and all who made this such a memorable time.