My Mary Wigham - Row 1

My Mary Wigham - Row 1

Monday, August 6, 2012

Little Green Acorns Band Sampler Class

Saturday twenty-six of us from Western Reserve Sampler Guild took a class with Eileen Bennett, The Sampler House, from Michigan.  Her sampler this time was Little Green Acorns Band Sampler.  Perfect timing for getting in an acorn mood.  We had a delightful day with the class, a wonderful pot luck lunch, and dinner after at Macaroni Grille for those interested.  A perfect way to spend yet another 95 degree day!

A photo of the cover sheet for the design pack.
I really should have taken a photo of the actual sampler!

Ms. Bennett getting us started on the project.

Counting and proper placement is serious stuff!

I told you counting was serious stuff!

We had so much fun with Kim and Karlyn at our table.
Lots of laughs and fun conversation.
So glad they trekked in for the class.

I had a couple other photos from the restaurant, but a couple were too close for comfort, and blogger won't let me put the other where I want it.

Super fun day.  Thanks to the Program Committee and all who made this such a memorable time.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bountiful August Blessings

This is our batch of food for Week Nine of our summer harvest from Fresh Fork Market.
Everything is so fresh and photogenic.
What a blessing this is,
and especially after reading the sad news this morning 
that half of America's counties are now considered disaster areas, 
as a result of the extreme heat and drought conditions this summer.

So sad.