My Mary Wigham - Row 1

My Mary Wigham - Row 1

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update on Lenore's Little Lamb X 2 !

There is something very mysterious about this little lamb.  Last month, no matter what I did, it would not let me post its photo right side up.  This time the first download would not show up in the post, so now we have a double look at Lenore's progress on this little gal.  Can't wait to see what tricks she has up her sleeve when she is finished!

Happy Easter

When this little basket grows up, the plan is for it to turn into a silk or wool covered pin cushion.  Right now I like it as a very mini Easter basket.

Debbie was in town over the weekend and came armed with this idea and her Dremel.  David was actually the one who created a few of these cute little baskets out in the garage while Debbie stitched/chatted away comfortably inside. 

Cute, huh?  Nice work, David.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Show and Tell, March 2010

Here are photos of some of the finished projects on the show-and-tell table at Rose's on March 6 and 7.      If any of you know who fininshed the items that I don't know, please leave a comment so proper credit is given.

A pretty wool applique cushion...maybe made by Rita?

Another cute cushion, multi-layered. 
I don't know who made this, but it's really cute.

This was stitched by Linda. 
I don't know whether this is a BBD pattern or something else. 
Let me know, Linda!

These items were also stitched by Linda.  The silk acorn and oak leaf needle keep was from the Nutty Weekend with Sharon Schlemmler.

I don't know what the other project is.

Here is a magnificent finish from who else but Linda! 
The woman is amazing.
This is Thistlewood.  Truly beautiful.
When these gals got that kit and I saw the purple threads, etc.
I thought WOW, this would glow in the dark.
I actually think it turned out beautiful, and don't the
blooms of thread look so real?

Photos from Friendship Weekend at Rose's, March 6 & 7, 2010

Here is part of the group of stitchers that attended Rose's Friendship weekend. 
This picture was taken on Saturday, March 6.

Rose and her two best non-stitching friends, Ozzie and Lola.

Babies and Spring...Again!

Well, I didn't get it finished in time for the shower last Saturday, but it is finished now.  Wouldn't win any blue ribbons, but that's not the purpose.  This is a warm, soft, cuddly flannel patchwork quilt for Marie's baby, made in the quickest, most fabric economically way possible, I think.  Now I have to begin work on another one, with a little more pink in it.  Since making this one, I have been able to locate a couple more colors in the really cute star print shown in green and yellow on this one, which was designed by Betsy Kelly.  Sweet.

I hadn't made a quilt in 6 or 7 years.  This one was easy and fun!

I get to keep the rabbit!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby Things

Last night Terri and I finished the two diaper cakes we started last week for the shower this Saturday.  I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out for our first time.  The pinkish one is for Izzie (Elizabeth), my great granddaughter to be.  The neutral one is for Baby Moeller, gender still unknown, who will be my sister's first grand child, scheduled to be born next month.

Babies to come and spring time.  How awesome!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Early Signs of Spring

In the March 1st edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer ten early signs of spring in our area, according to the Cleveland MetroParks, were published.  They included:

Male redwinged blackbirds returning and already picking fights with each other.
Sugar maple trees starting to produce sap.
The famous buzzards of Hinkley, due there on March 15, have reached Cincinnati.
The eerie cackling of barred owls in the woods at night.
Chipmunks waking and coming up from under ground.
Robins are starting to look for worms in bare spots in the snow.
Chickadees are singing their fee bee spring song.
A section of the Valley Parkway is closed due to the annual salamander migration.
Skunk cabbage is in bloom.
Male cardinals are presenting females with prize sunflower seeds.

I was very excited yesterday to open the blinds and see two chipmunks running all over the yard.  They are light enough to be able to run atop the crust of the still pretty deep snow, and it was so much fun to watch.  They are some of my favorite little backyard friends, so I was glad to see them.

I have also noticed robins getting antsy about finding food.  I'm sure they would love to be looking for worms in bare spots in the snow, but we don't have any of those yet!  I have also heard the chickadees' song, although I didn't realize that this was their spring song.  It sounds like a creaky playground swing. I'll have to pay more attention to see if I can spot any male cardinals courting their spring loves.  Isn't spring wonderful?

What signs of spring have you seen?

Monday, March 1, 2010

March - in Like a Lamb

I sure hope the old adage about March coming in like a lion/lamb doesn't hold true this year.  It is March 1 and we have now gone more than 24 hours without snowfall.  Rejoice! It feels like what was becoming a burden has been lifted.  Cleveland had the second snowiest February on record - no surprise.

I thought this would be a good image of what is to come, mixed with what is here.