Saturday we had our HoopLa get together to work on our Embroidery Hoop Stitcher's Box and Embroidery Hoop Scissors Pin Keepe, ala
Vonna . We had soooo much fun. All of our projects aren't finished, but we made some headway on Saturday.
It was a great day. Everyone pitched in and helped others in their own special way. It was heartwarming to experience that and just have fun and laugh. Six years ago I didn't know any of these gals, except, of course, my daughter. Three years ago I still did not really "know" a couple of them. Now they are all very special friends. I know that all the stitchers who might read this must have very special stitching friends as well.
OK, on to the photos. Rose received her Certificate of Accomplishment 2011 from Western Reserve Sampler Guild for completing Anniversary Roses, the beautiful sampler designed by Lauren Sauer.
I mention that here because this piece was also voted Members Choice for 2011.
A happy Rose! |
Great accomplishment.
This sampler is magnificent...
and big! |
Now, on to the work of the day! I have to include the first two photos for several reasons. Toni is one of our unofficial cheer leaders and great helper. She spent much of her day cutting out mat board and covering buttons and other helpful things...for others. Toni has decided to stitch a different piece for the top of her stitching box, so most of her time was spent on our projects. She gifted all of us with a little note pad with the cover stating that Arts and Crafts Keep you Sane, from Mary Engelbreit. I immediately questioned that statement. So, looking at these two photos this morning had to make me laugh. BTW Toni is dressed in some left over Mardi Gras regalia, just for the fun of it!
OK...she looks sane and is having fun. |
Well, maybe not so much on the fun part!
OK, finally some pictures of our projects:
These are Linda's finishes.
The photo does not do her stitched top justice;
her fabric choice absolutely set this piece off perfectly.
Thanks to Linda for encouraging us to have a day for hoops! |
This is Lenore's hoop stitcher's box
and her coordinating prairie point pincushion. |
A close up of Lenore's stitched box lid.
Really nice.
I love the charm she chose for the center.
Oh, I am so mad.
Blogger is not cooperating and
will not allow me to add any more photos
to this post, so I am going to
end this now and make a
part two post.
So sorry!